Hendi.ca 2025

Property Management, International Consulting


2025 News:

  • Apartment 2 at 25 Delaware Avenue in Ottawa is no longer available for rent.  We appreciate the interest shown in the apartment from everyone who took the time to arrange a viewing.  
  • We will provide more information on the "Holy Cow Exhibit" at Arlington 5 on September 5th in the next few months.

For further information:  info@hendi.ca




Property Management


Bella Vista Management is a Canadian firm based in Ottawa, specializing in property management, and rentals since 1998. We A view of Pretoria Bridgeoffer a full range of accommodations from modern condo rentals to renovated Edwardian era apartments in Ottawa's historic Golden Triangle.

For further information regarding; apartment availability / descriptions, rental application forms, neighborhood services, or detailed architectural floor plans, please feel free to contact us.



Associated Developments


Bella Vista Communications (BVC) is a firm specializing in social media management, internet domain registration, web site content development, and strategic e-maintenance services (i.e. business process analysis, threat risk assessment, quality evaluation / survey analysis, site management, long range web content strategies, search engine optimization) for both Canadian, and Argentine based clients. We also provide strategic advice to small and medium size companies on how to implement their online marketing strategies. Fulfilling the role of social media strategist we can help companies use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other social media tools, and turn them into revenue generating opportunities.

With a strong focus on functionality, we have created and co-developed quality sites for the Canadian federal government, non-profit organizations, and private sector companies (i.e. disruptiveart.ca). One of our first web projects was "The Village Well of GK 97". The site was one of the electronic dialogue initiatives of the Global Knowledge 97 Conference. This initiative of the Canadian International Development Agency was developed on behalf of the World Bank by our firm in 1997. Located in Ottawa, Canada with associates in Argentina we have developed expertise from servicing the information technology needs of Canada's national amateur sport and multi-sport/service organizations since 1986. For additional details regarding our service catalogue, please feel free to contact us.



El Grupo Independiente de Promocin del Patrimonio Histrico,GIPPHi, es una asociacin civil sin fines de lucro, con personera jurdica, que trabaja para la proteccin del patrimonio edificado y la historia de los barrios. Realiza visitas guiadas, encuentros corales, exhibiciones y otros eventos. Para contactarse con nosotros: coordinacion@santafelicitasmuseo.org.ar / (Cronograma 2025)




A space for Art and Creativity / Un espacio para el arte y la cretividad

We are slowly migrating the art related content throughout this site to ArtFifteen.com.

If you wish to be advised of future exhibits, price lists, or private viewings, please send an e-mail to: info@artfifteen.com.







All property management enquiries should be directed to info@hendi.ca.

Questions relating to 2025 art exhibitions or price lists should be sent to info@artfifteen.com.

Thank you.